I would want to vote yes on proposition 30 which is for education and public safety. Proposition 30 is saying that they want to raise taxes on the individuals who make $250 thousand a year and couples who make $500 thousand a year. One reason for this law to be passed is that it’s estimated that $6 billion will be given to schools and public safety. It is important to know that your child is safe from harm and in a good environment. Another reason is because our schools needs money. With more teachers, programs that were once canceled could be brought back. However, not everyone believes this proposition should be approved.
A reason for proposition 30 to not be passed is taxing can harm small businesses. People who are against proposition 30 are afraid that the extra taxes are going to harm their businesses. They are also afraid that the money won’t go to public safety and education. The money could be used for unnecessary projects. All the money that the tax payers pay could also be lost since the government isn’t really organized.
If I was 18, I would vote for proposition 30 because when I’m older, I wouldn’t want my children to be in danger. Hearing about all the shooting and vandalizing that some schools do scares me. It makes me wonder how the future schools would be like. Protecting my family would be the first thing I would want to do. It would make sense to me to pay more for our safety.