Sunday, December 2, 2012

Google Search

The question we were supposed to search up was, "How do the democratic and republican positions on 'fiscal cliff' differ?" The purpose was to limit the amount of outcomes. I first typed in the whole question, "How do the democratic and republican positions on'fiscal cliff' differ?" and what came up were four million and sixty thousand results. To narrow the results down, I had to use both "AND" plus "OR", in addition to the symbols "~", "-","+", or quotation marks. Although that narrowed down my options, what really helped me the most were the search tools.

When I put the time to "past hour" it narrowed the results down to seven hundred and eighty-four results. To narrow the results down even more, I took some words out of the original question and changed it to, "democratic and republican positions on 'fiscal cliff' differ" and putting the location to "nearby." That narrowed the results to four. Before today, I didn't know that there was a variety of ways I could narrow down my topic. However, I prefer to use the search tools along with making my words as specific as possible.